• Visite Nucleo Decenio

  • Publications

    This list is a compilation of the papers produced by the Laboratory since its creation in 1960 at the Facultad de Medicina of the Universidad de Chile. The list is not complete as some information was lost (for ever!) in the fire of August 2006, in many cases we are also providing some relevant PDF files.

    Esta lista es una compilación de artículos publicados desde la creación del laboratorio en 1960 en la facultad de medicina de la Universidad de Chile. Esta lista no está completa ya que algunos artículos se perdieron (¡para siempre!) en el incendio de Agosto de 2006. Versiones PDF descargables se irán añadiendo paulatinamente.

    Articles are organized under the following tags:
    Early papers on the Visual system (1960-1990)
    Foundational papers on Autopoieis
    Foundational papers on Biology of Cognition
    Organic Evolution
    Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology: Birds
    Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology: Mammals
    Methods and Quantitative Analysis of Neural Systems
    Theory of Metabolic Networks

    Early papers on the Visual system (1960-1990)

    • Maturana, H.R. and S. Frenk, Directional Movement and Horizontal Edge Detectors in the Pigeon Retina. Science, 1963. 142: p. 977-9. PDF
    • Maturana, H., [Specificity versus ambiguity in the retina of vertebrates].Biologica (Santiago), 1964. 36: p. 69-96.
    • Boycott, B.B., J.Y. Lettvin, H.R. Maturana, and P.D. Wall, Octopus Optic Responses. Exp Neurol, 1965. 12: p. 247-56. PDF
    • Maturana, H.R. and S. Frenk, Synaptic connections of the centrifugal fibers in the pigeon retina. Science, 1965. 150(694): p. 359-61. PDF
    • Maturana, H.R., G. Uribe, and S. Frenk, A biological theory of relativistic colour coding in the primate retina. Arch Biol Med Exp (Santiago), 1968. 1(0): p. 1-30.
    • Varela, F.G. and H.R. Maturana, Time courses of excitation and inhibition in retinal ganglion cells. Exp Neurol, 1970. 26(1): p. 53-9. PDF
    • Bloch, S. and C. Martinoya, Are colour oil droplets the basis of the pigeon’s chromatic space? Vision Res, 1971. Suppl 3: p. 411-8.
    • Bloch, S. and H.R. Maturana, Oil droplet distribution and colour discrimination in the pigeon. Nat New Biol, 1971. 234(52): p. 284-5.
    • Varela, F., The vertebrate and the (insect) compound eye in evolutionary perspective. Vision Research, 1971. 11(Supplement 3): p. 201-209.
    • Maturana, H., F. Varela, and S. Frenk, Size constancy and the problem of perceptual spaces. Cognition., 1972. 1: p. 97-104.
    • Guiloff, G.D., Class I retinal ganglion cells in the toad, Bufo spinulosus. Vision Res, 1980. 20(6): p. 549-51.
    • Maturana, H.R. and F.J. Varela, Size constancy and accommodation. Perception, 1982. 10(6): p. 707-9.
    • Maturana, H.R. and F.J. Varela, Color-opponent responses in the avian lateral geniculate: a study in the quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Brain Res, 1982. 247(2): p. 227-41. PDF
    • Maturana, H., F. Varela, G. Marin, and J.C. Letelier, The neurophysiology of avian color vision. Arch.Biol.Med.Exp, 1983. 16: p. 291-303.
    • Budnik, V., J. Mpodozis, F.J. Varela, and H.R. Maturana, Regional specialization of the quail retina: ganglion cell density and oil droplet distribution. Neurosci Lett, 1984. 51(1): p. 145-50. PDF
    • Letelier, J.C. and F. Varela, Why the cortical magnification factor in rhesus is isotropic. Vision Res, 1984. 24(9): p. 1091-5.
    • Guiloff, G.D., H.R. Maturana, and F.J. Varela, Cytoarchitecture of the avian ventral lateral geniculate nucleus. J Comp Neurol, 1987. 264(4): p. 509-26.
    • Maldonado, P.E., H. Maturana, and F.J. Varela, Frontal and lateral visual system in birds. Frontal and lateral gaze. Brain Behav Evol, 1988. 32(1): p. 57-62.

    Foundational papers on Autopoieis

    • Maturana, H. and F. Varela, De Máquinas y Seres Vivos: Una teoría sobre la organización biológica. 1973, Santiago: Editorial Universitaria. 121.(The original text describing Autopoietic organization)
    • Varela, F.G., H.R. Maturana, and R. Uribe, Autopoiesis: the organization of living systems, its characterization and a model. Curr Mod Biol, 1974. 5(4): p. 187-96.
    • Maturana, H., The organization of the living: A theory of the living organization. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 1975. 7: p. 313-332. PDF
    • Varela, F., A calculus for self-reference. Int.J.Gen.Systems, 1975. 2: p. 5-24.
    • Varela, F., L’auto-organisation: De l’apparence au mécanisme, in L’Auto-Organisation: De la physique au politique, P. Dumouchel and J.P.Dupuy, Editors. 1983, Eds. du Seuil, Paris: paris. p. 147-165.
    • Varela, F., Two principles for self-organization. Self-organization and Management of Social Systems, ed. H.U.a. G.Probst. 1984, Berlin: Springer Verlag. 25-33.

    Foundational papers on Biology of Cognition

    • Maturana, H., ed. The neurophysiology of cognition. Cognition: A multiple view, ed. P. Garvin. 1970, Spartan Books: New York. 3-24.
    • Maturana, H., Biology of Cognition, in Research Report BCL 9. 1970, Biological Computer Laboratory: Urbana, IL. (The beginning of everything)Html text
    • Varela, F. and H. Maturana, Mechanism and biological explanation.Phil.Sci., 1973. 39: p. 378-382. PDF
    • Maturana, H., Cognitive strategies, in Cybernetics of Cybernetics, H. Von Foester, Editor. 1974, Biological Computer Laboratory: Urbana, IL. p. 457-469. PDF
    • Maturana, H., Biology of language: The epistemology of reality, in Psychology and Biology of Language and Thought: Essays in Honor of Eric Lenneberg, G.A. Miller and E. L., Editors. 1978, Academic Press: New York. p. 27-63. Html text
    • Maturana, H., Cognition, in Wahrnehmung und Kommunikation, P.M. Hejl, W.K. Köck, and G. Roth, Editors. 1978, Peter Lang: Frankfurt. p. 29-49. PDF
    • Maturana, H. and G.D. Guiloff, The quest for the intelligence of intelligence. Journal of Social and Biological Structures, 1980. 3: p. 135-148.
    • MATURANA, H.R. and F.J. VARELA, eds. Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, ed. R.S. Cohen and M.W. Wartofsky. Vol. 42. 1980, Reidel: Dordecht (Holland).This book is a must for those who want to understand the scientific output of the lab.
    • Maturana, H.R., What is it to see? Arch Biol Med Exp (Santiago), 1983. 16(3-4): p. 255-69.
    • Maturana, H.R. and F.J. Varela, El Arbol del Conocimiento: Las Bases Biologicas del Conocer Humano. 1984, Santiago: Editorial Universitaria.PDF
    • Maturana, H. and F. Varela, The Tree of Knowledge: The Biological Roots of Human Understanding. 1987, Boston: Shambala.
    • Maturana, H.R. and J. Mpodozis, Perception – Behavioral Configuration of the Object. Archivos De Biologia Y Medicina Experimentales, 1987. 20(3-4): p. 319-324.
    • Maturana, H., J. Mpodozis, and J. Carlos Letelier, Brain, language and the origin of human mental functions. Biol Res, 1995. 28(1): p. 15-26.
    • Mpodozis, J., Letelier. JC., and Maturana. H., The nervous systems as closed neuronal network; Behavioral and cognitive consequences. Lectures Notes in Computer Science, 1995. 930: p. 130-136.
    • Mpodozis, J., J.C. Letelier, and H. Maturana, Nervous system as a closed neuronal network: Behavioral and cognitive consequences. From Natural to Artificial Neural Computation, 1995. 930: p. 130-136.

    Organic Evolution

    • Maturana, H. and J. Mpodozis, Origen de las especies por medio de la deriva natural. O la diversificación de los linajes a través de la conservación y cambio de los fenotipos ontogenéticos. Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago-Chile, 1992. Publicación Ocasional N° 46. PDF(Foundational text concerning evolution from a systemic/historic perspective, based on structural coupling and autopoiesis. This paper was translated to several languages).
    • Maturana, H. and J. Mpodozis, De l’origine des espèces par voie de la dérive naturelle. La diversification des lignées à travers la conservation et le changement des phénotypes ontogéniques. Ed. Presses Universitaires de Lyon (PUL). 1999.
    • Maturana, H. and J. Mpodozis, The origin of species by means of natural drift. Revista Chilena De Historia Natural, 2000. 73(2): p. 261-310. PDF
    • Cecchi, M.C., C. Guerrero-Bosagna, and J. Mpodozis, El ¿delito? de Aristóteles. Revista Chilena De Historia Natural, 2001. 74(3): p. 507-514.PDF
    • Cecchi, C., A. Vargas, C. Villagra, and J. Mpodozis, Answering Cuvier: notes on the systemic/historic nature of living beings. Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 2004. 11: p. 11 – 19. PDF
    • Ahumada, P., G. ASTORGA, K. BULL-HEREÑU, and et al., Undergraduate teaching of evolution in chile: more than natural selection. Revista Chilena De Historia Natural, 2005: p. 169-170. PDF
    • Vargas A. The evolution of Arm Size in Theropod Dinosaurs: A Developmental Hypothesis. Noticiario Mensual MNHN Chile, 1999. 338:16-19
    • Mayor, R., R. Young, and A. Vargas.  Development of Neural Crest in Xenopus. Current Topics in Developmental Biology, 1999. 41: 85-114. PDF
    • Chiappe, L. M., and A. Vargas. Emplumando dinosaurios: La transición evolutiva de terópodos a aves. Hornero, 2003.18: 1-11. PDF
    • Vargas A., and D. Rubilar-Rogers. La Evolución de los Ancestros de las Aves. In: Aves Rapaces de Chile. Muñoz A., J. Rau, and J. Yañez, eds. Editorial CEA, 2004. pp. 107-119
    • Vargas A.O. Beyond Selection. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 2005. 78 (4): 739-752. PDF
    • Vargas A.O. and F. Aboitiz.  How ancient is the adult swimming capacity in the lineage leading to euchordates?. Evolution & Development, 2005. 7:171-174. PDF
    • Vargas A.O. and J.F. Fallon. The digits of the wing of birds are 1, 2 and 3. A review. Journal of Experimental Zoology part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 2005. 304 (3):206-219. PDF
    • Vargas A.O. and J.F. Fallon. Birds have dinosaur wings: The molecular evidence. Journal of Experimental Zoology part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 2005. 304 (1): 86-90. PDF
    • Wagner G.P. and A.O. Vargas. On the nature of thumbs. Genome Biology, 2008. 9(3):213. PDF
    • Vargas A.O., T. Kohlsdorf, J.F. Fallon, J. Vandenbrooks, and G.P. Wagner.The evolution of HoxD-11 expression in the bird wing: insights from Alligator mississippiensis. PLoS ONE, 2008. 3(10): e3325. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003325. PDF
    • Gutstein C., M. Cozzuol, A.O. Vargas, M. Suárez, and C. Schultz. Skull variation of Brachydelphis (Cetacea, Odontoceti) from the neogene of the south eastern pacific. Journal of Mammalogy, 2009. 90(2): 504-519. PDF
    • Vargas A.O. and G.P. Wagner. Frame-shifts of digit identity in bird evoultion and Cyclopamine-treated wings. Evolution and development 2009. 11(2): 163-189. PDF

    Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology: Birds

    • Britto, L., D. Hamasaki-Britto, J. Mpodozis, K. Keyser, and H. Karten,Retinal lesions have different effects upon the distribution of a-bungrotoxin sensitive and a-bungarotoxin insensitive nicotinic actetylcoline receptors. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1994. 350: p. 473 – 484. PDF
    • Mpodozis, J., J.C. Letelier, M.L. Concha, and H. Maturana, Conduction velocity groups in the retino-tectal and retino-thalamic visual pathways of the pigeon (Columbia livia). International Journal of Neuroscience, 1995. 81(1-2): p. 123-36.
    • Mpodozis, J., H. Bischof, K. Cox, T. Shimuzu, W. Woodson, and H.J. Karten, Gabaergic input to the nucleus rotundus (pulvinar caudale) in pigeons. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1996. 374: p. 204-222. PDF
    • Karten, H.J., K. Cox, and J. Mpodozis, Two distinct populations of tectal neurons have unique connections within the retinotectorotundal pathway of the pigeon. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1997. 387(449- 465).PDF
    • Letelier, J.C., J. Mpodozis, G. Marin, D. Morales, C. Rozas, C. Madrid, and M. Velasco, Spatiotemporal profile of synaptic activation produced by the electrical and visual stimulation of retinal inputs to the optic tectum: a current source density analysis in the pigeon (Columba livia). Eur J Neurosci, 2000. 12(1): p. 47-57. PDF
    • Mpodozis, J., J.C. Letelier, G. Marin, C. Cecchi, P. Henny, C. Madrid, D. Morales, E. Sentis, and H. Karten, Anatomical and physiological properties of the ventral nucleus of the lateral geniculate of the pigeon (Columba livia). Journal of Physiology-London, 2000. 523: p. 50p-50p.
    • Marin, G., J.C. Letelier, P. Henny, E. Sentis, G. Farfan, F. Fredes, N. Pohl, H. Karten, and J. Mpodozis, Spatial organization of the pigeon tectorotundal pathway: an interdigitating topographic arrangement. J Comp Neurol, 2003. 458(4): p. 361-80. PDF
    • Letelier, J.C., G. Marin, E. Sentis, A. Tenreiro, F. Fredes, and J. Mpodozis,The mapping of the visual field onto the dorso-lateral tectum of the pigeon (Columba livia) and its relations with retinal specializations. J Neurosci Methods, 2004. 132(2): p. 161-8. PDF
    • Letelier, J.C., G. Marin, F. Fredes, E. Sentis, S. Vargas, H. Maturana, and J. Mpodozis, Travelling waves of visually induced very fast oscillations in the optic tectum of the pigeon. Journal of Physiology-London, 2005. 565P: p. C115.
    • Marin, G., J. Mpodozis, J.C. Letelier, E. Sentis, and H. Maturana, Sub-millisecond synchronization of spike activity in the ithsmi nuclei of pigeons (Columba Livia). Journal of Physiology, 2005. 565P: p. C53.
    • Marin, G., J. Mpodozis, E. Sentis, T. Ossandon, and J.C. Letelier,Oscillatory bursts in the optic tectum of birds represent re-entrant signals from the nucleus isthmi pars parvocellularis. J Neurosci, 2005. 25(30): p. 7081-9. PDF
    • Mpodozis, J., F. Fredes, E. Sentis, S. Tapia, G. Marin, J.C. Letelier, and H. Maturana, A detailed study of the rotundo-entopallial projections in the pigeon (Columba Livia). Journal of Physiology, 2005. 565P: p. C116.
    • Gruberg, E., Dudkin., Marín, G., Salas, C., Sentis, E., Letelier, J., Mpodozis, J., Malpeli, J., Cui, H., Ma, R., Northmore, D., Udin, S. Influencing and interpreting visual input: The role of a visual feedback system. J Neurosci, 2006. 26(41): p. 10368-71. PDF
    • Marín, G., Salas, C., Sentis, E., Rojas, X., Letelier, J.C., Mpodozis, J. A cholinergic gating mechanism controlled by competitive interactions in the optic tectum of the pigeon. J Neurosci, 2007. 27(30): p. 8112-21. PDF
    • Marín G., Durán, E., Morales, C., González- Cabrera, C., Sentis, E., Letelier, JC. Attentional capture? Syncrhonized feedback signal from the isthmi boost to higher visual areas. J Neurosci, 2012. 32(3): p. 1110-22.JNeurosci Online

    Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology: Mammals

    • Suárez, R. and Mpodozis, J. “Heterogeneities of size and sexual dimorphism between the subdomains of the lateral-innervated accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) of Octodon degus (Rodentia: Hystricognathi)”. Behav Brain Res, 2009. 198: 306-312. PDF
    • Suárez R, Villalón A, Künzle H, Mpodozis J. “Transposition and Intermingling of Gαi2 and Gαo Afferences into Single Vomeronasal Glomeruli in the Madagascan Lesser Tenrec Echinops telfairi“. PLoS ONE, 2009. 4(11): e8005. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008005 PLoS Online 
    • Suárez R, Santibáñez R, Parra D, Coppi AA, Abrahão L, Sasahara T, Mpodozis, J. “Shared and differential traits in the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) of Caviomorph rodents with particular reference to the semiaquatic capybara”. Journal of Anatomy, 2011. (in press, DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7580.2011.01357.x) On line version
    • Suárez R, Fernández-Aburto P, Manger PR, Mpodozis J (2011) “Deterioration of the Gαo Vomeronasal Pathway in Sexually Dimorphic Mammals”. PLoS ONE 6(10): e26436. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026436PLoS ONE Online

    Neural Systems

    • Varela, F., Las álgebras de Boole y la noción de distinción.Soc.Matem.Chile, 1982. 1: p. 39-53.
    • Varela, F., La corteza bien temperada: Análisis harmónico de campos receptivos visuales. Arch.Biol.Med.Exp, 1982. 15(297-303).
    • Soto-Andrade, J. and F. Varela, Self-reference and fixed points. ActaApplic.Matem, 1984. 2: p. 1-19.
    • Rossler, J. and F.J. Varela, Exact results for the average dynamic behavior of some non-linear neural networks. Biol Cybern, 1987. 57(4-5): p. 249-56.
    • Letelier, J. and J. Mpodozis, Linear analysis of auto-organization in Hebbian neural networks. Biological Research, 1995. 28(1): p. 97-104.
    • Letelier, J.C., J. Mpodozis, G. Marin, D. Morales, P. Henny, C. Madrid, and M. Velasco, Reversible mechanical fixation of eye position in awake head-restrained pigeons (Columba livia). J Neurosci Methods, 1999. 91(1-2): p. 67-71.
    • Letelier, J.C. and P.P. Weber, Spike sorting based on discrete wavelet transform coefficients. J Neurosci Methods, 2000. 101(2): p. 93-106. PDF
    • Marin, G., P. Henny, J.C. Letelier, E. Sentis, H. Karten, B. Mrosko, and J. Mpodozis, A simple method to microinject solid neural tracers into deep structures of the brain. J Neurosci Methods, 2001. 106(2): p. 121-9. PDF

    Theory of Metabolic Networks

    • Letelier, J.C., G. Marin, and J. Mpodozis, Computing with autopoietic systems., in Soft Computing and Industries Recent applications, R.R.e. al., Editor. 2002, Editorial Spinger: London, Berlin. p. 67-80. PDF
    • Letelier, J.C., G. Marin, and J. Mpodozis, Anticipatory computing with autopoietic and (M,R) Systems., in Soft Computing Systems: Desing, Management and Aplications, A.A.e. al., Editor. 2002, Editorial IOS Press: Amsterdam, Berlin. p. 205 – 211.
    • Zaretzky, A. and Letelier, J.C., Metabolic Networks from (M,R) Systems and Autopoiesis Perspective. Journal of Biological Structures, 2002. 10(3): p. 265-280.
    • Letelier, J.C., G. Marin, and J. Mpodozis, Autopoietic and (M,R) systems. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2003. 222(2): p. 261-272. PDF
    • Cornish-Bowden, A., M.L. Cárdenas, J.C. Letelier, J. Soto-Andrade, and F.G. Abarzua, Understanding the parts in terms of the whole. Biology of the Cell, 2004. 96: p. 713-717. PDF
    • Letelier, J., Y. Codriansky, S. P., and S. M. Geometry as a metabolite. in IX Artificial Life Conference-Workshop. 2004. Boston: Brandeis University.
    • Letelier, J., J. Soto-Andrade, F. Guinez, M. Cardenas, and A. Cornish-Bowden, Metabolic Closure in (M,R) systems, in Artificial Life IX Conference, Pollack, et al., Editors. 2004, MIT Press: BOSTON. p. 450-453.
    • Letelier, J.C., K. T., H. Yasuda, C. ML, and A. Cornish-Bowden, A self-referential equation, f(f)=f, obtained by using the theory of (M,R) systems: Overview and applications. Algeibraic Biology, ed. A. H. and H. K. 2005, Tokyo: Universal Academy Press. 67-80.
    • Letelier, J.C., J. Soto-Andrade, F. Guinez Abarzua, A. Cornish-Bowden, and M. Luz Cardenas, Organizational invariance and metabolic closure: analysis in terms of (M,R) systems. J Theor Biol., 2006. 238(4): p. 949-61.PDF


    • Varela, F.J., A. Toro, E.R. John, and E.L. Schwartz, Perceptual framing and cortical alpha rhythm. Neuropsychologia, 1981. 19(5): p. 675-86.
    • Varela, F., Living ways of sense-making: A middle path for neuroscience. Order and Disorder: Proceedings of the Stanford International Symposium, ed. P. Livingstone. 1984, Stanford: Anma Libri. 208-224.
    • Varela, F., Scientists in Pinochet’s Chile. Nature, 1984. 308(310).
    • Varela, F. and S. Frenk, The organ of form: Towards a biological theory of shape. J.Soc.Biol.Struct., 1987. 10: p. 73-83.
    • Gho, M. and F.J. Varela, A quantitative assessment of the dependency of the visual temporal frame upon the cortical rhythm. J Physiol (Paris), 1988. 83(2): p. 95-101.
    • Varela, F. and J.C. Letelier, Morphic resonance in silicon chips: An experimental test of the hypothesis of formative causation. Skeptical Inquirer, 1988. 12: p. 298-300.
    • Córdova, F., C. Doggenweiler, H. Maturana, J. Mpodozis, J.C. Letelier, and A. Moyano, Alternativas de automatización para el guiado autónomo de vehículos cargadores frontales en una mina subterránea. Automática e Innovación., 1993. 2: p. 67-63.
    • Letelier, J., Los derroteros científicos de Francisco Varela (1946-2001).Biological Research, 2001. 34(2): p. 7-13.